Stripe API updating credit card stored in Stripe

Stripe API updating credit card stored in Stripe

David Carr

1 min read - 27th Aug, 2017

There will be times customers need to update their stored credit card, this post goes over how to enable that.

I’m using Nova Framework not setup with Nova? please read Getting Stripe API setup with Nova Framework

first get the customers information, if you don’t have this method please read Stripe API get customer information

$customer = $this->getCustomer();

Next using checkout prefix a Stripe button, notice the use of $ustomer->default_source->last4 this displayed the last 4 digits of the card. It’s not required but is useful.

<form action="{{ site_url('account/updatecard') }}" method="POST">
src="" class="stripe-button"
data-key="{{ Config::get('stripe.apiPublicKey') }}"
data-email='{{ Auth::user()->email }}'
data-name="{{ Config::get('') }}"
data-panel-label="{{ __d('users', 'Update Card Details') }}"
data-label="{{ __d('users', 'Update Card') }} ({{ $customer->default_source->last4 }})"

Have this post to e page to save the changes.

In the post create an instance of the customer then update the source and save the changes.

//update card source
$customer = $this->getCustomer();
$customer->source = Input::get('stripeToken');

This will update the card stored on Stripe, like with a subscription the card details won’t be on your server.

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