How to Organize Composer Scripts Effectively

How to Organize Composer Scripts Effectively

What is a composer script? A composer script is a...

Toggle classes from your markup in PhpStorm and VSCode

Toggle classes from your markup in PhpStorm and VSCode

Working with TailwindCSS will result in a lot of c...

How to toggle a mobile menu with Tailwind and AlpineJS

How to toggle a mobile menu with Tailwind and AlpineJS

Making a mobile and desktop menu is something that...

Customize Your Hashnode Blog Frontend with Headless Frontend and Laravel

Customize Your Hashnode Blog Frontend with Headless Frontend and Laravel

I've built a new site called

PHP use an enum for Filters

PHP use an enum for Filters

I have a class that allows filtering based on an o...

Composer Scripts: Boosting Your Team's Efficiency

Composer Scripts: Boosting Your Team's Efficiency

Hey there! Today, we're diving into the world of C...

GitHub patch release previous version

GitHub patch release previous version

On Github you way from time to time need to patch...

How to disable Laravel console commands

How to disable Laravel console commands

Suppose you find yourself in a situation where you...

15 years of blogging  500 posts later

15 years of blogging 500 posts later

You know, it's funny how the big milestones can sn...

The podcasts I listen to as a PHP developer

The podcasts I listen to as a PHP developer

The following are the podcasts I listen to. In no...

Creating Flexible Layouts in Laravel with Yields, Includes, and Slots

Creating Flexible Layouts in Laravel with Yields, Includes, and Slots

Yields In Laravel, the @yield directive is used in...

Enhancing Laravel Applications with Traits: A Step-by-Step Guide

Enhancing Laravel Applications with Traits: A Step-by-Step Guide

What are traits? Traits are a mechanism for code r...

Laravel ApiResouce name nested route placeholder

Laravel ApiResouce name nested route placeholder

When using an ApiResource that has more than one p...

My process for writing Laravel packages

My process for writing Laravel packages

Introduction I was asked recently how I started wh...

Running HTTP requests in PhpStorm

Running HTTP requests in PhpStorm

Running API tests you may be tempted to open PostM...

Extracting a time into select menus with PHP

Extracting a time into select menus with PHP

When storing time in a database, often I'll store...

Vue show and hide form elements

Vue show and hide form elements

Introduction When working with forms, it is common...

My PhpStorm Setup

My PhpStorm Setup

Theme I use the New UI which is located at Appeara...

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David Carr

David Carr

Followers: 318

Hi, I’m Dave. A Laravel Developer. I love to build Laravel apps using the TALL stack.

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