Laravel use multiple boot in traits

Laravel use multiple boot in traits

David Carr

2 min read - 5th Nov, 2022

traits Boot Laravel

Let's say you want to use multiple traits in your models to reuse common code such as applying UUIDs and settings global query scopes like this:

use HasUuid;
use HasTenant;

Each of these traits has a boot method:


trait HasUuid
    public function getIncrementing(): bool
        return false;

    public function getKeyType(): string
        return 'string';

    public static function boot()
        static::creating(function (Model $model) {
            // Set attribute for new model's primary key (ID) to an uuid.
            $model->setAttribute($model->getKeyName(), Str::uuid()->toString());


trait HasTenant
    public static function boot()
        if (auth()->check()) {
            $tenantId = auth()->user()->tenant_id;

            //assign when creating a record
            static::creating(function ($query) use ($tenantId) {
                $query->tenant_id = $tenantId;

            //apply condition to all queries
            static::addGlobalScope('tenant', function (Builder $builder) use ($tenantId) {
                $builder->where('tenant_id', $tenantId);

trying to run this will trigger an error:

Trait method App\Models\Traits\HasTenant::boot has not been applied as App\Models\User::boot, because of collision with App\Models\Traits\HasUuid::boot

This is because both traits are using a boot method, to solve this Laravel supports a bootTraitName for example HasTenant becomes bootHasTenant

Change both traits to use the bootTraitName like this:

trait HasUuid
    public static function bootHasUuid()


trait HasTenant
    public static function bootHasTenant()

Now they can be used together in a single model without causing any errors.

Laravel also supports initializeTraitName which can look like:

protected function initializeHasToken()
    $this->token = Str::random(100);
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