HEY Bloggers - Launch Event

HEY Bloggers - Launch Event

David Carr

2 min read - 25th Aug, 2018

Today is the first HEY Blogger event in Hull, the first official event by the HEY Bloggers community.

The event is for local bloggers to meet up, exchange ideas and take part in workshops.

The two workshops were Photography and Social Media.

I took the photography workshop first, we all introduced ourselves and explained what we do and how to use imagery for our blogs. Talked about lighting and framing photo’s then we walked around the church and took photo’s experimenting with distant and close shots, focused and unfocused. Looking at how different shots of the same thing taken at different angles can have a big effect on our perspective of the photos.

After a short break and mingle I headed to the Social Media workshop, we talked about the varied tools we use and noted down the tools we use into a grid for where the tools fell into personal or professional to visualise how much we use for personal use as opposed to business use. Mine fell heavily into the professional category most of my social media usage is geared towards my brand and interests.

Tools used

We also went over some Instagram and Twitter tips.

Social Media Tips

To end the day there was a few prizes given away and a raffle Kerry and I won a light dinner and cocktails we’ll make good use of that! And a little goodie bag! 

Overall I’d say the event was a success lots engagement in a great location at the Hull Minister church.

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